St Vincent

27 miles long by 14 miles wide with 153,000 inhabitants

We sailed into St Vincent at a place called Wallilabou Bay. If you remember the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean, where Captain Jack swings from the gallows on the end of a wooden pier, during his escape from the soldiers, then you know Wallilabou Bay! The film set has been left in place and the locals use it to fish from! We even met a few boat boys who had "starred" in the film!

We went diving in Wallilabou as the Doyle Sailors guide to the windward islands listed it as a good dive site. We were not disappointed, as we swam round the reef, just under a rock arch at the entrance to the bay!

A quick walk up to the local waterfall took us through the raiinforest and past a local artist, using junk from cars to make statues, then back to the boat!

We sailed round to Kingston, St Vincent's capital, to collect Graham and Patty, who had been getting their marriage license!!!!! Then we sailed to Young Island Cut and anchored for the night! A good day ended with us drinking rum with Heidi from Sunsail in the Escape Bar, whilst dancing to the steel drum band! A great night was had by all!!!!!

Next day, we were off early, next stop Bequia, where Graham and Patty were due to get married!

St Lucia
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