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Saturday 1st March 2008

We all had a lay in, but awoke to a crowded bay, with 5 Switch catamarans (French Charter company moored up, where there had only been one when we went to sleep last night! ne was a bit close to us, but we hadn't collided in the night so all must have been ok! We had a late start, but set off for Marigot bay, where we had breakfast and did some shopping. We managed a quick look round a voyage 4300 catamaran from Moorings to show Tom and Vicky the difference in modern design.

Sunday 2nd March 2008

It's Sunday, so I had a day off! We went to the Live Lobster for breakfast, then Tom and Vicky took the dinghy and went to Pigeon Island for some sightseeing, whilst I stayed on board, pottered about, swam and read a book! I needed a day like this to chill out!!

We did the usual evening procedure of watching the sunset, we had a good clear view and there were some clouds, but not at the horizon! We actually saw it!!! The Green Flash was not exactly what I had expected, but it was definitely green! Just as the sun almost disappeared, the tip of the sun turned green, then vanished! Obviouslywe didn't film it on video or try to take photos, but all three of us saw it, so at least I can cross that off my list now!

After the excitement of the green flash, we decided to go ashore for a meal. We walked past a number of restaurants, including the curry house!!! And ended up eating at a Thai restaurant. After a few issues choosing a table, then deciding on what to have, the food was mostly very good, but both Tom and I had fishcake starters that were rock hard!

Monday 3rd March 2008

Woke up early and spent some time in the head, releasing the Thai meal from captivity! I was later to discover that Tom had the same problem and we blamed the fishcakes which Vicky hadn't had!

We had hired a car for 2 days, so today we went round the north of the island, visited the new luxury villa development at Cap Estate! WOW what a setting, right on the Nporthern tip of St Lucia, with a view North to Martinique, East into the Atlantic,West into the Caribbean and South over St Lucia! We dreamed about these properties, but stayed well away from the sales people as we didn't dare dream about the prices!!!

Next we headed through the back roads of St Lucia for the Marquis Plantation! This was on the map, but we didn't know what to expect! The truth is that the roads just kept getting rougher as we got closer, until we eventually got to the entrance, having driven through most of the estate. There were huge areas set aside for Bananas and other crops, with workers dotted amongst them tending the crops.We decided that as time was limited, we'd just turn around and drive back out, but we had seen most of what was on offer anyway. Marquis estate tours where available, but with advanced booking only!


Next stop Grand Anse beach, for some turtle watching, or more honestly, just to experience the Atlantic waves hitting the beach at full force! You cannot stand on that beach and not be impressed by the power of the ocean, even though I know it is far more powerful offshore!

We headed South now, along the East coast to Dennery, a few interesting roadside views before stopping at the Fond D'or plantation for a tour of this Historical site!

I think I can speak for all of us in how disappointed we were by this stop! It is an official St Lucia Heritage site, offering views of the waterwheel, windmill, horse drawn mill and other parts of a sugar plantation! Well, I'll let the photos speak for themselves!!



Tuesday 4th March 2008

Set off for the airport at Vieux Fort via the West coast.

Torreill Falls

Sulphur Springs

Jalousie Falls

Car crash! Yes that's right! We were on the correct side of the road, but the local with bald tyres apparently is not Michael Schumaker and could not get round the bend at that speed! In fact, he couldn't even stay half on his side of the road, and we were so close to being hit head on, we were all so relieved afterwards!

Tom and Vicky made it to the airport in time, but they missed out on finishing the holiday as they had started it, watching the kite surfing off the beach at Vieux Fort! I think we were all glad that a head on collision had been avoided and relatively little damage sustained compared to what could have happened!

Wednesday 5th March 2008

Visit car hire company!

Visit car repair company

Visit Cashpoint!! 3400EC

Collected the new batteries and a new solar charge controller for the panels!


Thursday 6th March 2008

Laundry, Gas Bottles, Paid for new batteries, went to Anse Cochon

Saw 4 huge Whales as I approached Anse Cochon.

The pictures don't really show them well, but this video shows how real they were!

Friday 7th March 2008

Left Anse Cochon and went to Jalousie.

Jahvin took me to the police station in Choiseul for my statement!

Prince Charles and Camilla were in Soufriere causing mayhem!

On our way to shore, Jahvin took us for a quick detour to the Bat Cave, as we had to avoid the coastguards near Prince Charles' yacht!

I had a relaxed night between the Pitons, it seemed like an appropriate place to end my visit to St Lucia for this year!

Saturday 8th March 2008

Set off for Walilabou, ended up carrying on to Bequia

Sunday 9th March 2008

Cleared the blocked head left by Tom! (Thanks Mate!!!) Luckily it was only paper, just a long way down the pipe!

Anyone from Christmas 05 recognise this special pipe?

Cleaned the diesel filters on the engines.

Read a book and pottered around the boat.

Monday 10th March 2008

Visited Grenadine Sails to collect my anchor chain run for the trampolines.

Had a major repair carried out by Robin (the scottish engineer). He fixed the kettle, welding the handle back on to the whistle!!

Moved the boat out of the crowded mooring area down to the end of the anchorages nearer free water! Even though i was more remote, I actually got a much better internet connection here!

Tuesday 11th March 2008

The plan is to head south today for either Mayreau, or Union island. I will see when I get to Mayreau check how crowded the bay is and maybe just carry on! The great thing is it really doesn't matter!!

I arrived at Mayreau and looked into Saltwhistle bay, only to see way too many boats in much tooo small a bay! It is pretty, but not worth being that crowded, so I carried on round the corner to Saline Bay, which is not quite as pretty, but only had maybe 10 boats in a huge bay! Anchor down, swim, read and chill! I did consider carrying on to Union as it was only another 2-3 miles, but why rush!

Wednesday 12th March 2008

Left Mayreau early and motoreds to Union Island, anchored in a quiet spot, then went ashore to clear customs. Walk to the airport for immigration, then back to the boat! Motored to Petit St Vincent as I couldn't be bothered to take the sail cover off for a 5 mile trip!

Took the dinghy to Mopion island where there is nothing but sand and a single umbrella to shade from the sun!

Headed over to Petit Martinique, where I had some lunch and chatted to an American couple who insist that I must visit the Chesapeake's before going through Panama! That would definitely give me some other options for the future and apparently there are 150 miles or so of lakes, with rivers that can be sailed down that could take several years to explore! Hmm, may have to investigate!!

Thursday 13th March 2008

Up early and motored to Cariacou, well ity is only 5 miles! Immigration was a pain, but less so for me than the person in front who was getting a really hard time and being threatened with fines of tens of thousands!! At least Customs was easy after that!

I motored round to Tyrell Bay, where there were lots of yachts and a very flat but windy anchorage!

I visited the mangrove swamp by dinghy, It had at least 3 very long legs, all continuous and heading inland, but so shallow, even the dinghy was at risk of grounding when I turned round to head out! With roots like these, the mangroves are great for tying up to if a hurricane is approaching, but not all boats survive!

then had a beer and read some of my book at the yacht club,

The evening was spent having pizza at Lazy Turtle restaurant followed by a film back onboard.


Friday 14th March 2008

The last real crossing! Cariacou back to Grenada! It was a really easy sail, with 15 knots behind me and almost flat seas, so different to my trip the other way in November which ddamaged my trampolines and ripped them off Brad and Elisa's cat "Web of Lies".

As I neared St Georges in Grenada, I caught a Tuna! A hard struggle got him to the rear steps, where he thrashed madly and escaped with my lure!!!!! Oh well, that makes 4 fish caught this trip, 3 escaped and they took 2 lures! Better luck next time I guess!!!

I anchored outside St Georges, then went to Island Water World in the Lagoon and bought some new ropes ready to fit on my return.

As it was early I decided to motor round to Prickly Bay and spend the night there. The wind would be against me after the edge of this bay, so no point putting the sails up, they were not destined to be used again this time!

Safely anchored in Prickly, I went ashore and did some more shopping, then returned to Blue Dolphin and took off the mainsail and folded it as best I could on my own!


Saturday 15th March 2008

I was up early, so listened into the Grenada maritime net at 07.30 on channel 68. No major news, but someone was selling a watermaker cheap, so I called them immediately after the net and agreed to meet them tomorrow at St Davids. Coincidentally I was hauling out there anyway, so it was my next stop regardless!

I did some more boat tidying and preparing, then set off for St Davids in time to be safely anchored there mid afternoon. I went and spoke to Winston and Barbara on "My Island Girl" and agreed to meet them in the morning to look at the watermaker.

Sunday 16th March 2008

Today I have very few plans! I like days like this :-)

I collected the watermaker from Winston and Barbara on "My Island Girl". It is much smaller than I expected and produces a lot less water than I would like (about 5 litres per hour) but it can be left on all day and uses only about 3 amps, so I can run it for hours and supply plenty of water! It's also great value, at only $500 or £250, when normally it would be £1500 new! It's in great condition, so fitting it will be one of my first jobs next time I'm out here! It's a Katadyn 40e and the manual for it is here!

The rest of the day was pretty lazy, reading, surfing the web, swimming and just chilling!

Monday 17th March 2008

Today I mostly was mostly loitering, helping another yachtie and organising people to quote for work on Blue Dolphin tomorrow.

I did do some work on mine, but just removing ropes and pretty minor stuff!

Tuesday 18th March 2008

On the Rocks!!!!! Blue Dolphin is grounded, stuck firmly and no chance of me getting her afloat again without help!!!!


Well ok, so I've hauled out and sitting in the boatyard really! But the news is just as bad, because it means I'm so much closer to coming home! I'll be leaving here Thursday and back in cold wet England on Friday Morning! It will be good to see people, but I know I'd rather stay here and have people visit me instead! Must plan for longer next time!

Wednesday 19th March 2008

Today .....


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