December 2004

My first month aboard. Lots of exploring the boat and sorting things out my way.

December 20th brings my first crew on board for Christmas.

January 2005

The start of my real life, December was spent preparing for guests and tinkering with the boat. Now I'm really alone and starting my new life!

I sailed the boat single handed for the first time on January 1st.

February 2005

Confession time! The diary is getting hard work already, too much relaxing to do!!!! I have updated some pages at last, but more of an overview of the month than a true diary! This is probably closer to the format for the future!

March 2005

Finally out of Club De Mar (Palma) It took too long to get out of there, but now I've started my tour!! I find Santa Ponca and make friends with the bar owners!!!

April 2005

It's all Happening! My first complete lap of the island with Mick, Deb, Kev and Katie, my first sunburn with Leslie!!!!

May 2005

Summer is here, the weather is great, I love Mallorca!

June 2005

Summer is here, the weather is great, I love Mallorca!

July 2005

Summer is here, the weather is great, I love Mallorca!

August 2005

Summer is here, the weather is great, I love Mallorca!

September 2005

My last few weeks with my friends in Santa Ponca, then I'm off to the Caribbean! Final preparations on the boat and a few farewell drinks! Claire, Carl and PJ came back out for their second visit this year, slightly warmer than in February!

October 2005

I'm in the Mar Menor, 2 weeks visiting mum at her new villa and meet up with Graham, Patty and Michelle for the next leg of the caribbean adventure! Mar Menor to Gibraltar, Morocco then down to the Canaries

November 2005

Arrive in the Canaries and pick up the rest of the crew, some rough weather and a near disaster at sea, but we saved the windsurfer and tender with no real loss! A couple of weeks sailing in the Canaries, repairing things and shopping, then we set off for Barbados!

December 2005

We're here! We must have made it otherwise I couldn't update the website! 3000nm from the Canaries and 4600nm from Mallorca and all in one piece! 6 months of cruising around tropical islands, then I might go back, or will I just stay here? who knows??


November 2007 to March 2008

I had planned previously to spend my 40th on my yacht in the Caribbean, so had to do it!!! What would the boat be like after 2 years away, how would I feel to be back onboard?

November 2007

Back onboard at last! 1 month to get afloat, sort everything out and be ready to meet Silke in St Lucia! I may have only been away 2 years, but it seems so much longer!

December 2007

OK, so I've been in the Caribbean a month now and silke is visiting in a couple of weeks! Life is pretty chilled :-)

January 2008

It's a new year and what a start!!! Things went wrong from just over an hour into the year, hopefully it will only get better after this!

February 2008

The guest month! I have Lesley here for a couple of weeks, then Mick and Deb, with Dave out a few days later, Then at the end, Tom and Vicky join me to see in March! I think I'll be busy!!

March 2008

It's nearly over !!!! 20th March I fly home to the UK, but still time for a few more adventures!